White Papers


Energy Efficiency of a Large Animal Vivarium: A University of Houston Research Study
This white paper is based on the study completed at the University of Houston by: Dr. Nicole A. Monts de Oca, Dr. David W. Brammer, Dr. Mitzi Laughlin, and John Jenkins. Contributing authors also included Dr. Cynthia Lockworth from MD. Anderson Canc...
A Review of the Unique Requirements for a Facility Monitoring System
This white paper summarizes traditional approaches to sensing air parameters in a facility, to distributed packaged sensor system solutions, and shared sensor system solutions. Learn how Aircuity's multiplexed sensing provides a unique and proven so...
Keeping Smart Labs Smart
The original Smart Labs principles are still critical to achieving maximum benefits The Smart Labs Program was created in 2008 at the University of California, Irvine. Led by Wendell Brase, who at the time of its creation was Vice Chancellor for Ad...